Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Pastor: Father Steve Schreiber
Bold Title
Parish Leadership
Parish Staff
Fr. Steve Screiber
Deacon Doug Konzel
R.C.I.A Coordinator
Brianna Erdman
Director of Music
Jean Malthaner
Director of Ministries
Trish McDaid
Parish Secretary
Deacon Tony Alleruzzo
JILLIAN ZACZYK - Fellowship Advisor
The FELLOWSHIP ADVISOR helps the pastor focus on fellowship in the parish. “Baptizing them” (fellowship: identification w/ the body of Christ (Eph 2:19) – the church exists to provide fellowship for believers; baptism is a symbol of salvation AND fellowship)
BILL SMITH - Ministry Advisor
The MINISTRY ADVISOR helps the pastor develop ways to minister effectly to the parish and the neighborhood. “Love your neighbor as yourself” (ministry: the church exists to minister to people (Eph 4:12) – the church is to minister to all kinds of needs: spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical)
Bill has been a member of the parish for most of his life. Born in 1949, he attended the former St. Joseph grade school which stood on the corner of 25th and Sassafras streets.
In 1963 his family moved to Fairview, PA where he attended Fairview High School. Following his marriage to his wife Nancy in 1970, they moved back into the parish in early 1974. He and Nancy have three sons, all of whom also attended St. Joseph grade school and served as altar boys. In 1976 Bill became a lector and, in 1982, he became an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, ministries in which he continues to serve today. Previously he served on the parish School Board, PTO, and Pastoral Council. For the past eighteen years he has conducted tours of the church for civic
organizations, for parish groups, and for the general public during the parish’s Oktoberfest celebrations. He also serves on the Parish Leadership Council in the area of Ministry. Bill believes that everyone has an obligation to serve the parish in some manner. His involvement in the life of the parish is drawn from
Isaiah, Chapter 6: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?”
“Here I am”, I said; “send me!”
He retired from SPX/Copes-Vulcan in January 2016, having worked for thirty-eight years in the
Engineering, Sales, and Contracts departments, mainly in conjunction with the nuclear power industry.
phone: 814 453-3872
T.A. WALKIEWICZ - Evangelization Advisor
The EVANGELIZATION ADVISOR makes sure that the pastor stays focused on the best ways to brings others to Jesus Christ! “Go and make disciples” (evangelism: the church exists to communicate God’s Word (Matt 28:19-20) – The Great Commission is documented in 5 books (4 gospels, Acts), and thus is very important)
Theresa Ann (T. A.) Walkiewicz, the oldest of four, grew up in Johnsonburg, PA, where she attended Holy Rosary Grade School and Johnsonburg High School. She received a degree in Elementary Education from Villa Maria College and a Masters in Early Childhood Education from the University of Maryland. As a Sister of St. Joseph, her first assignment was teaching second grade at St. Joseph’s School. After much prayer, counseling, and discernment, T. A. realized she did not have a true vocation to religious life, and she left the community.
A God-centered life, some form of Christian community, and using her gifts and talents for the growth of God’s kingdom on earth are central to who she is.
In 1991, she married Chet. They were part of the newly-formed Bread of Life Community, where both were very active and involved. He died December 1, 2012. Her trust in God deepened as a widow.
T. A. is part of many ministries at St. Joseph Church – Bread of Life Community: second grade Religious Education teacher, lector, Extraordinary Minister, Children’s Ministry, leader of several small groups, and Healing Prayer Team.
She received the release of the Holy Spirit and is very involved with the Word of Life Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center, where she has been part of many retreat teams, participated and led many Life in the Spirit seminars and three ALPHA Courses, and does prison ministry at Cambridge Springs. She has also been a spiritual director for many years. One of her greatest joys is helping people to come into a personal relationship with Jesus. Journaling is her favorite form of prayer.
STATIA BROWN - Discipleship Advisor
The DISCIPLESHIP ADVISOR is always looking for ways to help our parishioners to become disciples of Jesus Christ! They help the pastor make sure that the parish is doing this effectively. “Teaching them to obey” (discipleship: the church exists to edify/educate God’s people (Col 1:28) – discipleship is the process of helping people become more like Christ in thought, feeling, & action)
My name is Statia Brown. I am married to Pat Brown and we have 5 children (our fifth is due in April). I am a stay at home mom. I am from Erie and have been an official member of St. Joe's/BOL since 2006, though I attended Bread of Life throughout college.
My position on the Leadership Team is Discipleship Advisor. My passion for helping to make disciples and sharing the Gospel happened after my TEC retreat my senior year of high school. From that moment my desire to learn and grow in the faith truly increased and has not stopped.
I have been involved in many different levels and forms of ministry since college. While at Penn State I was involved in Newman and the PSU Catholic Community, served as an intern at the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Erie, interned as a youth minister at Our Lady of Victory Parish in State College, Pa, was a campus minister at Gannon University and served here as the director of religious education and youth minister.
Since having children and staying home with them full time I have been involved in several bible studies, help with Vacation Bible School and serve on the Core Team for Lifeteen.
I love learning new things about our faith and sharing them, especially with young people. It is a real joy to see the Holy Spirit moving in our Church.
STEVE HENDERSON - Financial Advisor
The FINANCIAL ADVISOR helps the pastor to make sure that we use all of our financial resources for the glory of God and to help us best minister to His people. We read in Scripture: “Well done, good and faithful servant” (stewardship: the church exists to use God’s treasures for His Glory (Matthew 25:14-30)
Steve & his wife Debbie have been married for 32years. Steve is the owner of Great
Lakes Cast Stone and Debbie has been a Registered Nurse at St Vincent Hospital for 30
years. They joined the Parish in 2006. They are Eucharistic Ministers for mass, nursing
home visitation . Steve has also chaired the Finance committee & Car Raffle.
In the community, Debbie volunteers at the Festival of the Trees, and as a Eucharistic
minister at St. Vincent’s as well as E.M. for shut -ins & Steve serves on the boards of The
Maria house Project & Serra Club.
DAN SCHAAF - Properties Advisor
The PROPERTIES ADVISOR helps the pastor in maintenance of the buildings and planning and future restorations of the parish buildings.
Dan has been a parishioner here for nine years. He is married to Dawn and they have adult three children: Justin, Abby Yatski (Jake) and Jared, and our proud grandparents of Constance. He is Vice President of Building Systems Incorporated. He has served in various committees in the parish and also is active or served with:
The Reason For Our Hope Foundation, Serra Club of Erie, 2232 MEN coordinating committee, Erie Saints Basketball
McDowell Football Boosters, Erie Day School, Ecclesia Center, Methuselah Ministry and the Bishop's Breakfast.
The reason that Dan is passionate about the Leadership council: St. Joseph Church Bread Of Life has been my family church for years. My parents belonged to St. Joe’s and my sister went to St. Joseph School.
The church and grounds are beautiful, and I’m passionate about helping in some small way to preserve and maintain the grounds. I’d also like to do what I can to preserve the future of the grounds, property, adjoining properties and the beauty of our church.
Phone #:
MAUREEN (MOE) TRABOLD- Worship Advisor
The WORSHIP ADVISOR helps the pastor focus on the ways that the parish can worship God. “Love the Lord with all your heart” (worship: the church exists to worship God (Matt 4:10) – we should worship because we want to, not out of duty.
My name is Maureen (Moe) Trabold. I am married to Chris Trabold and we have 4 sons, Alex, Ben, Jack and Peter. I have a BS in Pharmacy from the University at Buffalo. I worked as a retail pharmacist for 12 years, most of that time also serving as the pharmacy manager. After the arrival of our son Jack, I became a stay-at-home mom for the next 8 years. When my youngest son, Peter, entered kindergarten, I reentered the work force part time, first as a preschool aide, then as a special education aide. Currently, I work at Fairview Elementary School as a Literacy and Math Aide. My part time work schedule allows me to be active as a mom and volunteer.
We have been members of St. Joe's/BOL since 2008. I have been involved in many ministries at St. Joe's including, VBS, religious education, the Care Ministry, and most recently Chris and I have served on the leadership team for Oktoberfest. Chris and I both serve as Extraordinary Ministers and our sons have all served at one time or another as altar servers. In the Community, Chris and I have been active with cross country coaching at VME in the past and served on the Executive Board of the Fairview Music Boosters.
It is a tremendous privilege to be able to serve you as Worship Advisor. If you have any positive comments, concerns or suggestions about how we worship at St. Joseph’s BOL, please feel free to contact me at or