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Liturgy Schedule
Weekday Masses
7:00 am
(in Church) 
Saturday Masses

4:15 PM Vigil

(In Church)
Sunday Masses

10:00 am

(in Church)

Holy Day Masses
Schedule varies.  Please see our calendar.

Saturday, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Sunday, before 10:00 am Mass
(or by appointment)

To the Parents of Young Children:

You are ALWAYS WELCOME HERE - "If there is no crying the Church is dying!"

• Quietly explain the parts of the Mass and actions of the priest, musicians, ushers, etc.

• Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Children learn behavior by mimicking you.

• Consider sitting toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to engage.

• If you have to leave the Sanctuary with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”

To our Friends with Disabilities:

In imitation of Christ our desire is to be welcoming to all. It is our hope that persons with disabilities will find our faith family to be warm, welcoming, and accommodating to their needs and thus able to worship fully at our liturgies.

Worship Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

  • Accessible washrooms, are on the left side of vestibule as you walk in front door.

  • Assisted hearing devices for persons with difficulty hearing. Request a hearing receiver from any usher or at the welcome desk at the right of the vestibule.

  • Every Sunday the 11:00 am is signed for our deaf brothers and sisters.

  • Accessible, powered door, right entrance to the Church

  • Ramped entrance at right of Church.

  • Pew accessibility, front middle center aisle on left and right.

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