Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Pastor: Father Steve Schreiber
Bold Title
Ministry to the Poor & Needy
A Christian Community, like an individual, is not a Christian if they do not take care of the poor! We strive to see Jesus in ALL people especially the poor. Here is a list of some of our ministries to the poor and needy:
Outreach to the Erie Community
Every day someone comes to the office seeking help with various needs, and we help them with food vouchers, gas card vouchers, or whatever they need within reason. We work with other churches in the area to make sure that no one tries to abuse the system, and that we can help those who really need emergency help. We know that those who come to our door are Jesus Christ in disguise.
Overflow Shelter
Every Winter our parish participates in a two week overflow shelter program. Though Erie has many good shelters, when the weather drops below freezing various churches open their facilities to those men, women and sadly children, who have no where else to go. We provide them with a hot dinner and breakfast. Provide clothing, clothes, haircuts and medical exams to help them to experience love and dignity.
Food Pantry
Our St. Joseph Food Pantry serves many needy families in our neighborhood. Many non-perishable foods, purchased at the Second Harvest Food Bank here in Erie, are available to our qualified clients. In addition, food is donated on a regular basis by our members, and the generosity of our parishioners allows the Food Pantry administrator to purchase perishable food for the needy, as well. The Pantry is open the second and fourth Mondays of each month, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Parishioners in need of food are most welcome.
St. Clare's Clothing Store
ST. CLARE’S CLOTHING STORE, located on the lower level of the Community Center, is “open for business” every Wednesday morning from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Everyone is welcome to “shop” for clothing, shoes, and miscellaneous household items that have been generously donated by parishioners and friends of the parish. “Shoppers” are allowed to come once a month and help themselves to whatever clothes, etc. are needed — all free of charge. Besides clothing , shoes, and household items, the Clothing Store gratefully accepts your donation of bags — paper and plastic — and your offer to sort clothes and be available on Wednesdays to help our clients.people.
St. Anthony's Orphange
The St. Anthony’s Orphanage Mission was established on Dec. 25, 2001, to provide financial help for the care and education of 180 orphaned children at the St. Anthony’s Children’s Home, Nagercoil, TN, India. In this orphanage, deserted and orphaned children from infants to 22 years are cared for by members of the Congregation of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All financial contributions are tax deductible through the Mission Office, Diocese of Erie. Since the mission is run by volunteers, there are no overhead costs, and 100% of contributions are used for orphan welfare programs.
Mission Statement:
Our goal is to support the cost of care and education for the orphan children at St. Anthony’s Children’s Home through regular financial contributions. The mission is committed to using 100% of the tax-deductible contributions for orphan welfare programs.
Outreach Baking Ministry
As a part of our mission to reach out to others, several of our parishioners participate on the OUTREACH BAKING TEAM. Once each month the bakers get together in the kitchen of the Community Center and bake several dozen cookies or cupcakes or other dessert to be donated to the Emmaus Soup Kitchen. Our parish is responsible to provide dessert on the same day each month. It’s our way of “feeding the hungry.”
Karios Prison Ministry
KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY is one of the ways parishioners, directly or indirectly, can reach out to the imprisoned. Many of our parishioners have served on mission teams; others have offered to pray or provide financial help; and still others are needed to write letters to the inmates, color pictures (from the kids, please), and provide cookies for the weekend retreats. Everyone can help in one way or another to bring Jesus to our brothers and sisters in prison.
Angel Tree
Every Advent our community sets up two trees at the Church entrance in the vestibule with paper angels on it. Each angel has a gift suggestion for a needy person or family that people take and buy that gift and bring it back unwrapped a week before Christmas. When the gift has been purchased and is brought back to the Church that person also brings in a angel ornament and places it on the tree that remains up throughout the Christmas season. Each year the parish helps an average of over 300 people.