Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Regular Parish Mass and Confession Schedule:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 am in Church
Saturday: Vigil at 4:15: PM
Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 7:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM & after 7:00 PM Mass
LIVE-STREAM Masses Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Sunday at 11:00 am on YouTube
Unfortunately there will be NO Oktoberfest this year, due to the change in priests. We did not want to overwhelm the new priest with that responsibility.
Pastor: Father Steve Schreiber
Be Inspired
In Person
You can just put your donation in the collection basket on Sunday or drop it at the Parish Office.
You can help us now one time or set up a recurring donation. Anything you give will help us fulfill God's Mission.
or go to:
1. Text the amount you would like to give to the above number.
2. If you are a first time, text-giving donor you will be prompted to visit a secure URL.
3. Once you click the registration link, you will enter your credit or debit card information.
The Old Fashioned way is still great! Just drop it in the mail and send it to:
St. Joseph BOL
147 West 24th St
Erie, PA 16502