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Our Ministries

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ implies that one ministers to others. Jesus commanded us to Love one another as I have loved you and Jesus came to serve us and His Father, so we must do the same! God has given everyone talents for His glory and to build us His Body. Every member of  our parish is expected to minister in some way.  So go through the various listed ministers and ask the Lord what He is calling YOU to do for His Glory!



Children are the life-blood of our parish community and the future of our church!  There is nothing so important as bringing our littlest one into our faith.  The BAPTISMAL MINISTRY is a group of volunteers who sew and embroider the Baptismal bibs and stoles for the infants, toddlers, and children who are baptized in our church.  If you are gifted with sewing skills, this may be the ministry for you!


Children are the life-blood of our parish community and the future of our church!  There is nothing so important as bringing our littlest one into our faith.  The BAPTISMAL MINISTRY is a group of volunteers who sew and embroider the Baptismal bibs and stoles for the infants, toddlers, and children who are baptized in our church.  If you are gifted with sewing skills, this may be the ministry for you!


The BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY is essential in providing support for parish families whose loved ones pass away. The most practical way for them to help out is to provide a luncheon after the funeral Mass. The funeral luncheon, served in our Community Center gym, affords the family and friends the chance to have a tasty meal and friendly visit, without the restrictions of time or space in a restaurant.  There is no charge for this service; however, donations are greatly appreciated.  There are currently two teams of luncheon servers, who alternate dates to serve but work together at the luncheons. Some of the team members provide food for the meal, while others set up, serve, and clean up. We are always looking for volunteers to fill any of the above roles in this ministry.


The CARE MINISTRY is a group of volunteers who assist the parishioners of St. Joseph’s by preparing meals for someone just out of the hospital,  for a family with a new baby, or perhaps someone undergoing chemotherapy, etc.  The life circumstances for help may vary, but the goal is to lend a hand in a practical way. Occasionally there’s a need to supply a ride to the doctor in an emergency situation, or to pick up groceries or a prescription for a shut-in, or sitting with an elderly person or babysitting.  All who can assist in any way (or in other ways not mentioned) are most welcome to join Care Ministry.


Our CHURCH CLEANING TEAMS are instrumental in making sure that God’s house is spotless!  There are currently three teams of about 8 to 10 volunteers — the Emmanuel Laborers, the Clean of Heart, and the Shining Spirits — who take turns cleaning twice a month on Saturday, from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM.  Because we have such a beautiful church with intricate furnishings, we are always in need of additional volunteers to join a team (and clean once every six weeks) or offer to clean every time we get together.


Our DISABILITIES ACCESS Ministry is always on the look-out for structural and environmental barriers affecting our disabled parishioners and guests.   And they make it their duty to be sure that all in the parish and those who visit are happy and safe!  Our church is accessible by ramp; the first pew and indented spaces in the first three pews are always available for the handicapped and those in wheelchairs. Our 11:00 AM Mass is signed for the deaf by our Diocesan Deaf Ministry, and we have had, on occasion, made room for an attendee's service dog!  Our Community Center is also readily accessible to all who are disabled.  At the onset of its remodeling, an elevator was installed, and the west entrance is wheelchair accessible.  The ministry coordinators welcome comments and suggestions to create an even safer environment for all.


Our parish community is known for its spirit of fellowship, and the FELLOWSHIP Ministry works hard to make all who enter our church and Community Center feel “at home.”  Fellowship takes place after all of our Sunday Masses (barring the use of the Community Center gym by another group), and all are welcome to come for refreshments and goodies.  The set-up and clean-up crews are faithful in their duties, but more volunteers are always needed to make their job just a little lighter — so that they can enjoy the company of our guests, too!


OKTOBERFEST is our parish community celebration and yearly fundraiser for the restoration of our beautiful church.  Held THIS year on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 6th, 7th, and 8th, our parish Community Center “becomes” a virtual German restaurant, beer garden, dance hall, and coffeehouse all in one!  All weekend parishioners and guests enjoy German entertainment, German food, specially-made beer for our celebration alone, children’s games, theme baskets, coffeehouse treats, German shops, a cash raffle, and fun, fun, fun!!!  All parishioners are encouraged to participate in some way for this glorious celebration of our German heritage.  What a way to build community!


In August each year , you will find about 500 to 600 St. Joseph—Bread of Life parishioners at Waldameer Park in a pavilion getting ready for Mass at 11:00 AM.   After Mass and a delicious picnic meal, the people play bingo for prizes, the children play games and get their  faces painted, and others delight in visiting with other parishioners.  The rides and Water World are available for the afternoon and evening entertainment.  When all’s said and done, it’s a great way to come together for food, fun, and fellowship.


Start cleaning out those closets and basements for the annual Rummage Sale, held in the spring in the Community Center.  For the past several years, we have come together to donate our “treasures” for sale to our parishioners and the public.  The two-day event, though tiring for those who work hard to collect the items, set up, organize, clean up, and “work the registers,” always brings in about $3,000.00 for the parish.  We are always in need of donations of items, volunteers to help with getting ready for the big event, and workers to help the days of the sale.


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St. Joseph Church/
Bread of Life Community


147 West 24th St 

Erie, PA 16502


@2023 St. Joseph Church/

Bread of Life Community.

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